Happy 2nd Birthday Holly Audrey Joy Goddard!

Holly turned 2 today. How happy we are to have Holly in our lives! I fell pregnant with Holly after we lost a baby to miscarriage at 12 weeks along. So I guess this makes Holly a ‘rainbow baby.’  Straight after our miscarriage we moved twice within a 3 month period and for the next year experienced the toughest financial time we have ever been through. All this combined with morning sickness of a new pregnancy left me with quite severe antenatal depression throughout my entire pregnancy.

Holly’s birth was very straight forward. The Lord knew exactly what I needed. I birthed Holly without pain (thanks to an epidural) and the following months after she was born God began restoring the joy within my spirit. That’s why her middle name is Joy. She was the most placid sweet little baby. She slept well for the first year of her life and rarely cried. I called her my angel baby. Her toddler antics make us laugh and laugh and she is so crazy and funny, we love her to bits. She loves her little sister Willow SO much and is still learning to be gentle. She was also born on my late grandma, Audrey’s, birthday. So we gave her the middle name Audrey also. Holly is my 4th baby and second born daughter.

Holly’s spent her birthday opening gifts, a little bike, a dolly, a block game and some new clothes and pjs. She went to church and we found out that daddy who was going to work in the afternoon was going to be able to be home with us after all. So Holly had a ride on the back of Savannah’s bike after lunch, then back inside for a big screen movie on our projector and popcorn.  The day finished with birthday cake in her PJs.

We love you miss Holly, Happy Birthday!





Savannah turns 4!

Our lovely daughter Savannah turned 4 last Saturday! Savannah is our third child and first born daughter. She is absolutely delightful! She turns heads everywhere when we are out and about and every second person stops to comment on her beautiful head full of strawberry blond ringlets! She has a spring in her step and enters every room singing. Savannah is a delight to have in our home as she has a compassionate heart. She is the one who wants to care for everyone and everything. She loves babies and animals and flowers. She is always on the look out for someone in our home who has a need. Just tonight when I was feeding baby Willow she came into the lounge with huge grin carrying a glass of water for me. She then gave me a hug and kissed my cheek and says “do you know why I kissed you? It’s because I love you.” Awe she just melts my heart.

I always let the birthday person choose what we have for tea on their special day and Savannah’s request was quinoa and brussels sprouts. Last year she said salmon! She is the healthiest eater in the house. What a blessing she is to us. DSCF1504DSCF1912_editedDSCF1913_editedDSCF2009_edited

Happy Birthday Savannah!