
Welcome! Thank you for stopping by! I am Peta, dedicated Christian, happy wife, Australian mum of five precious gifts from the Lord. Grab your cuppa tea and settle into a comfy chair while I introduce myself some more.



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Why 2 punks? We don’t look all that punkish. I don’t even listen to punk music. It has to do with where we began. Young, hopeful and helplessly in love, I was 18 and Luke was 21 when we married after a 3 month whirl wind engagement. Why wait? We didn’t! Luke was a self confessed ‘nerd punk,’ Librarian and Bible College student by day and lead vocalist and electric guitarist in a punk rock band by night. I was fresh out of high school, a farm girl just moved to the city and  zesty for life. Wanting to deepen my faith and understanding of the Bible I was attending Bible College as a first year student. Luke and I crossed paths when we found ourselves attending the same classes at Bible College. We fell in love quickly!


I followed him around to all his gigs in the city. Eight months after first meeting we were married. We didn’t have a clue about what it means to be married, we were carefree. We were young, lazy and thought that we could just play guitar together all day, not to mention video games. We were like two in love teenagers, who happened to be married, playing video games together all day in our skinny jeans and punky hair. And work? Who needs it? Right…? err well we were wrong about that one.

We were thrilled to find out we were expecting our first precious bundle after we were married a year. Sadly we miscarried this baby in the first trimester. Three months later we found out we were expecting again! And 9 months later our first baby was born, a gorgeous little boy. Life began to change for us when I was pregnant and slowly God began working on both our hearts about the direction He wanted us to go in. It was time to get rid of the junk in our lives and God spoke to our hearts gently about one thing at a time. Over the next few years we learned about how high God values children and how clearly it shows this in His word. We didn’t want to compromise on anything. And we felt the Lord leading us to raise our family as a set apart family and not follow the ways of the world.


Slowly things disappeared from our house; certain DVDs, magazines and all the video games. We eventually decided to get rid of our TV too. We introduced family worship to our daily routine, where we all gather as a family in the evening and sing a worship song and read some scripture. Luke started a career in aged care and we welcomed more children into our lives one by one. We feel we are really living a blessed life. I feel like I am living on a mission field right in my own home as I spend my days tending to the needs of my children and teaching them about Jesus.


15 Interesting or not facts about me:

  1. I like cosy things, blankets, cushions, cups of herbal tea, pjs, ugg boots and snuggly freshly bathed and pyjama-ed babies.
  2. I like gardening, particularly growing vegetables, fruit and flowers
  3. I like flowers and little birdies
  4. I have four big sisters and no brothers
  5. I like exploring natural remedies and healthy cooking
  6. I don’t eat wheat or any dairy
  7. I like shopping malls , fashion and clothes
  8. I love to go walking and hiking in nature
  9. I drink green tea everyday
  10. We have home schooled our children in the past and love the idea of home schooling
  11. I love to encourage others
  12. I play guitar and sort of piano and I sing all day long
  13. I believe every word in the Bible to be true, even the bits about hell, and I base my whole life around it.
  14. I like clocks
  15. My biggest inspiration and mentor is my mother

I blog about

Things I’m interested in; my family, Christian issues that sometimes are controversial,  natural health and weight loss, gluten and dairy free nourishing whole food recipes, our family’s nursing home music ministry, my vegetable garden and much more.

Be sure to like my facebook page I update it more frequently than the blog. Or follow 2punkshadabunchofkids on Instagram.

Check out Luke’s blog  HERE

Support our home business by checking out Luke’s youtube channel HERE

And get your graphic design done by Luke (logo, signs, websites, business cards, cards, fliers, social media graphics) Breathe In Designs

Contact me.

Comment below to say hi or ask a question. Email me @ – petieg88@gmail.com


Enjoy your time spent here on the blog!

Blessings, Peta xo


3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Peta,
    Your family looks and sounds delightful. I can see why you give thanks to God for all His blessings.
    I’m a retired teacher, mother of 8 precious children – all university-educated – and grandmother of 7 beautiful grandchildren. So I, too, am grateful to the Lord for all the love and blessings He has bestowed upon us.
    Over the years I have developed an effective spelling technique that also assists reading. I am contacting homeschooling Mums to offer a couple of on-line tutoring sessions, to demonstrate these techniques so they can be incorporated into your own tutoring strategies. I charge $30AUD for a 1 hour session.
    If you are interested, you could contact me on coreyfromspellwell@gmail.com.
    Hoping to hear from you,
    Yours in solidarity,
    Margaret Lancefield


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